Sunday, October 13, 2024

FP: In 2022, the US administration promised to Putin not to let Russia lose

 In an Oct. 9 Foreign Policy article titled What a New Book's Explosive Revelations Tell Us About Biden, Trump, And Putin, by Michael Hirsh, in addition to Trump bashing (surely well deserved), there are intriguing paragraphs about the outgoing president Biden:

"...In the two and a half years since Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden has often been criticized for temporizing over his response and failing to offer the Ukrainians sufficient defensive weaponry quickly enough. He has hesitated in sending first-generation main battle tanks such as the M1A1 Abrams, long-range precision artillery, and fighter jets such as the F-16—though ultimately he has done so. And in October 2022, after Ukraine had launched its successful Kharkiv counteroffensive, Biden warned Americans of a potential nuclear “Armageddon,” saying it was the first time since the Cuban missile crisis that there had been a “direct threat” of nuclear weapons being deployed...

The degree to which Ukraine has fought off Russia’s advances, causing hundreds of thousands of Russian casualties, is also very worrisome in view of another conversation that Woodward recounts between U.S. Gen. Mark Milley, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and his Russian counterpart, Gen. Valery Gerasimov. Asked to state the conditions for a Russian use of nuclear weapons, Gerasimov responded that one of them involved “the right to use tactical nuclear weapons in the event of catastrophic battlefield loss.” Milley responded at the time that “none of those conditions are going to obtain.”

But they could before long.

Thus, the world now has a better idea why Biden has acted as he has..."


In other words, Putin's army invading Ukraine (whose safety the USA had guaranteed with the Budapest Memorandum), razing cities to the ground, murdering thousands of civilians, is no reason for concern. What is "very worrisome" is "the degree to which Ukraine has fought off Russia’s advances". Ukrainian columnist Olexandr Kirsh comments in the Obozrevatel:

"...Milley then calmly promised that these conditions will not be realized, that it, he effectively guaranteed that US aid to Ukraine will never lead to a situation in which we could talk about a Russian catastrophe. So the United States promised Mordor that Ukraine will never defeat it, and all the record of later US arm supplies testifies that the USA is keeping its word. Indeed, Ukraine is not winning."

This is a horrible betrayal of a democratic ally, and proves that the USA as a defender of the Western civilization does not exist anymore.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Mike Johnson has no "appetite" to fund Ukraine

 From Punchbowl News:

"The world according to Mike Johnson

LANCASTER, Pa. — Two weeks from today, Mike Johnson will have been speaker of the House for one full year. That’s longer than Kevin McCarthy lasted in the role...

The most critical moment of Johnson’s speakership came in April, when he put a bill on the floor to send $61 billion in aid to Ukraine [after withholding the bill for half a year, which inflicted horrible and lasting damage on Ukraine - M. M.]. Conservative hardliners immediately triggered a motion to vacate, which the Louisiana Republican beat back with the help of Democrats.

The war in Ukraine shows no sign of ending. And Johnson told us his support for sending additional money to Kyiv is waning:

 “I don’t have an appetite for further Ukraine funding, and I hope it’s not necessary. If President Trump wins, I believe that he actually can bring that conflict to a close. I really do. I think he’ll call [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and tell him that this is enough. And I think everybody around the world is weary of this, and they want it to be resolved. So whatever the terms are, I’m not sure, but I think if Kamala Harris is president, I don’t think it ends, and that’s a desperate and dangerous scenario.”"


Americans, please vote Democrat! The Republican Party - Reagan's party - has been taken over by Russian agents! They want to see Europe swallowed by Putin, and America obeying him.


Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Ceasefire in Ukraine will benefit only Moscow

 Melik Kaylan, Forbes:

"Moscow’s Hidden Plans For Exploiting A Ceasefire With Ukraine

There’s been a great deal of talk about backstairs peace negotiations for halting the war in Ukraine. To the allies, the picture looks gloomy as Russia relentlessly gains ground in the East, destroys Ukrainian settlements and kills civilians while the Ukrainian army remains outgunned and over-stretched. Not least because Western partners like America and Germany haven’t provided sufficient timely support. So the electricity grid has collapsed, winter looms without heat, the population is fleeing abroad and things look bleak for Ukraine.

The mooted ceasefire allows Russia to keep the occupied territory, for now, while Moscow agrees that Ukraine gets to join NATO. This column is about the feasibility of even that defeatist deal staying stable and the secret dangers built into the alleged negotiations. As pieces of interchangeable blocks the agreement looks straightforward. But, Moscow well knows, the devil is in the details, the hidden interstitial gaps. Because, in reality, with Putin pushing at the cracks, the deal can be obstructed at every stage.

By treaty law, NATO doesn’t accept new members that are in mid-conflict or even in a frozen conflict. As a result, accession will take time and Russia will not stand still. Even supposing Ukraine gets into NATO, what guarantees that its members, if called upon, will actively engage in a direct military confrontation with Russia when they won’t now? And what happens if Trump is President? Sadly, however you look at it, there’s a real possibility that any sort of compromise now will simply lead to bigger trouble down the line. If the chances of a Russia-forced peace look bleak , they’re even bleaker than you think.

What the seasoned Kremlin-watcher knows is that the Kremlin has made plans for this situation in the kind of detail that the West cannot match - a regimen self-evident to anyone who heeds the details of Moscow’s post-Soviet revanchism. All one needs to do is look at the highly revealing experience of Armenia and Georgia. When the Russians invaded Georgia in 2008, they consolidated their hold on Georgia’s separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Georgia’s then President Saakashvili, seeing the weakness of Western resolve, announced a unilateral ceasefire, withdrew from the front lines, and saved his country from being flattened as Ukraine has been.
The peace conditions offered by Moscow to Tbilisi, relayed by French President Sarkozy, were so one-sided that Saakashvili turned them down saying - and this is important - ‘there will be a popular coup against me if I accept them.’ Putin had demanded that Georgia let go the separatist zones for good and Saakashvili step aside, among other things. Instead, Moscow made do with occupying the separatist zones and withdrawing troops elsewhere. How did that work out for Georgia? Russia kept creeping further onto Georgian land and also engineered regime change in 2013 by interfering in the national elections and getting a conservative nationalist oligarch elected in place of Saakashvili.
That Tbilisi oligarch, Ivanishvili, is still in power, a puppeteer behind the scenes but now also an openly pro-Moscow partisan. A nationalist AND pro-Moscow? How is that democratically possible in a country that hates Russia? This same Ivanishvili, with the October elections impending, has publicly declared that Georgia should apologize for the Russian invasion. Yes you read that right. He had originally got into power by offering a quiet life to Georgians, relief from strife and confrontation, by reviling the West’s fickle support and values, by floating a kind of non-aligned Georgia-first mirage. Instead, inexorably, he gifted Moscow his country’s independence. Perhaps you see inklings of how things might work in Ukraine if Moscow is allowed a favorable peace deal there?
But first let’s look at Armenia. After winning the first Nagorno-Karabakh war against Azerbaijan in 1992 and declaring a kind of Armenia-affiliated republic, the veterans of that victory gradually came to dominate Armenian politics as a whole. The tail wagging the dog. They grew cliquish and cronyist and self-dealing, perfect candidates for being inveigled into Russian dark money influence, military weapons kickbacks and easy power. They ended up as proxies of Moscow in Armenian affairs. In effect, Armenia slowly lost its independence and any semblance to a democracy. So the most militantly ultra-nationalist faction, heroes of war, impossible to stand against politically, became the most corruptly oligarchic and sold out to Russia.
It wasn’t until the populace grew so utterly sick of the pro-Russia faction’s shenanigans that in 2018 they successfully elected a true democrat, Nikol Pashinyan, despite all the obstacles. He promptly and regularly chided Russia for dominating Armenian affairs. As a result, Armenia was soon punished in 2020 when Russian peacekeepers did nothing to help defend the Armenian side during the second Karabakh war. Moscow was treaty-bound to do so. It did nothing. Instead, this time Azerbaijan emerged victorious. Moscow had got its revenge for Armenia’s democratic intransigence...
How does all this relate to the putative peace-deal in Ukraine? The Kremlin’s plan goes something like this. Zelensky is forced to cede the occupied territories pro-tem in exchange for promises of joining Nato. By the time Nato proceeds and implements, ultra-nationalist elements of the army revolt and stage a coup against Zelensky for giving away Donbas and Crimea. The West objects strenuously, thereby alienating the military putschist leaders. Putin inundates Ukraine’s airwaves with propaganda about the West’s perfidy, the West’s agonizingly slow and insufficient support of Ukraine, the West’s seeming willingness to bleed Ukraine as a proxy, Zelensky’s anti-democratic centralization of power, and the like.
Remember that Saakashvili had refused the Kremlin’s terms of ceding the separatist areas because there would be a coup against him. That could happen in Ukraine after a peace deal. In Armenia, the ultranationalists were suborned by Moscow. That too will happen to any military Putsch clique in Ukraine. And in the long run? They will not get the West’s support and won’t attempt to restart hostilities. All this, Moscow has gamed and maneuvered before.
It all starts with the temptation and delusion of easy peace. In Georgia, a populist authoritarian regime took over by promising relief from punishment and fear. The Georgian populace has long since been cowed by Moscow’s carrot and stick message. Be docile, be ruled by oligarchs and Russian money, you will be safe in a long national sleep. Russian protection. Coherence. Continuity. As opposed to Western neglect, indecision, distraction, disappointment, the chaos and polarization of freedom. And so it will be with Ukraine. In the wake of a peace deal."


Any concessions to Putin will backfire

 Anthony Halpin, Bloomberg:

"Talk of Ukraine Concessions May Embolden Putin

It’s cost Ukraine enormous effort and a huge toll to resist Russia’s invading army for what’s fast approaching 1,000 days.

Little wonder, then, that some of Kyiv’s allies detect a greater readiness to adopt a more flexible approach to end the war... The US is consumed by next month’s presidential election whose outcome could determine future aid for Ukraine’s defense. Some European allies are beginning to flag in their backing for Kyiv in a war that shows no sign of ending.

While specific concessions haven’t been mentioned, there’s a lot of chatter about Ukraine potentially gaining strong security guarantees in return for accepting it can’t oust Russian forces from occupied territories for now.

This could even extend to NATO membership, with some pointing to West Germany’s experience during the Cold War division with East Germany. Others don’t want to go that far, and the US has been notably non-committal.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, gives no indication he’s interested in coming to the negotiating table. Talk of concessions is likely only to embolden the Kremlin in its belief that Russia can outlast the West in Ukraine.

Putin, after all, still occupies parts of neighboring Georgia seized in a 2008 war at little cost to Russia. He annexed Crimea and ignited fighting in eastern Ukraine in 2014, with only a muted response from the US and Europe.

For all the war-gaming on ending the present conflict, the fundamental question for Ukraine’s allies is whether they continue to let Putin gain from military aggression and at what future cost to them."

Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Pentagon: We provide Ukraine what it needs, they have been very successful

 From an Oct. 3 briefing of Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh (hattip: Ukrainian Dialog):

"Q:  Thank you. So today, President Zelenskyy urged NATO allies to help intercept Iranian missiles and drones over Ukraine, as they do  with Israel. Can the United States and allies help Ukraine with that? I mean since it's possible Israel, why cannot it be done with Ukraine?

MS. SINGH:  So thank you for the question. While I appreciate the question, we are talking about two very different landscapes and battlefields. The president, at the very beginning of when Russia invaded Ukraine, has directed this department to provide Ukraine what it needs on the battlefield.

They have been very successful in employing, whether it be air defenses or other capabilities, to continue to take back their territory. The secretary just had a call with Mr. Umerov, getting that battlefield update, getting to better understand what other capabilities they might need, if any. The president has made a commitment that the United States is not putting boots on the ground into Ukraine, but we are supporting Ukraine in their efforts to take back their sovereign territory.

Q:  Well, shooting those targets, say from Polish or Romanian territory, would that be putting boots on the ground?

MS. SINGH:  That would be involving us in a war in a different way. And right now, we feel that Ukraine has been able to successfully defend against Russian strikes to their cities, to their populations, to their infrastructure. And we're going to continue to make sure that they have the support that they need to do that."


Ms. Singh is stating this as the Russian criminal regime continues advancing in Ukraine, using ballistic and glide bombs to destroy Ukrainian defenders and civilians, children's hospitals, whole towns. All this because the USA gives only token aid and does not allow it to be used for strikes deep into Russian territory, from where the bombs are shot. Her words sound like cruel mockery. The USA I used to admire and trust is no more. It has succumbed to evil.



Thursday, October 03, 2024

Starmer's incompetence allowed Biden to hurt Ukraine even more

 From the Telegraph:

"Western indifference has hung Zelensky out to dry

Con Coughlin, Defence and Foreign Affairs Editor

With only weeks to go before the US presidential election, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky could be forgiven for thinking that, irrespective of the outcome, Ukraine’s fight for freedom is fast becoming a lost cause. For all the pain and sacrifice the Ukrainian people have endured in the two-and-a-half years since Russia invaded Ukraine, all the indications suggest that Russian president Vladimir Putin’s initial calculation that the West would eventually lose interest in the conflict appears increasingly valid...

Zelensky is demanding that the West intensifies its support so that Ukraine can improve its bargaining position by making further gains on the battlefield. In particular, he wants the Biden administration to lift its restrictions on the use of long-range missiles, such as the Storm Shadow missile systems, to attack targets located deep within Russia.US president Joe Biden has been reluctant to provide the necessary authorisation for fear of provoking the Kremlin into escalating the conflict...

Nor did Zelensky do much better when he met former US president Donald Trump at his penthouse in New York. Having initially indicated he was too busy campaigning to meet the Ukrainian leader, Trump eventually relented, only to dash Zelensky’s hopes by stressing that he regards Putin as a close personal friend...

Is is not just in Washington that Zelensky will have identified signs that support for Ukraine is waning.

Even though Sir Keir Starmer pledged to maintain British support for the Ukrainian cause during his meeting with Zelensky at the UN, it is arguably due to Starmer’s own incompetent handling of the Storm Shadow issue that the Ukrainians find themselves unable to use the missiles in the way they would like.

The air-launched missiles, which were originally gifted to the Ukrainians by the previous Conservative administration, have been used to great effect by Ukrainian forces to target key Russian military installations in places such as Crimea. Even though the missile systems rely on US tracking and guidance systems, Conservative ministers only informed the US that the missiles were being used, rather than seeking Washington’s permission to carry out the strikes.

Thanks to Starmer’s evident shortcomings as a global statesman, after becoming prime minister he set a new precedent of first asking the Americans for permission to use the weapons system, thereby allowing Washington to veto their use when it did not comply with the Biden administration’s policy objectives. The result is the Ukrainians now have stocks of Storm Shadow weapons, but cannot use them...

If Harris succeeds Biden in the White House, then Putin can assume that her administration will adopt the same risk-averse approach to the Ukraine conflict, one that, in effect, means the Ukrainians are limited in what they can achieve on the battlefield.

A Trump victory would, by contrast, most likely lead to Washington abandoning the Ukrainian cause.

Either outcome would not only be disastrous for Ukraine, but for the future prospects of the Western alliance."



Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Experts: Important Ukrainian town fell because Biden's administration protects Russian military objects

 From the AP:

"The fall of Vuhledar is a microcosm of Ukraine’s wartime predicament


KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The fall of a front-line town nestled atop a tactically significant hill is unlikely to change the course of Ukraine’s war against Russia. But the loss underscores Kyiv’s worsening position, in part the result of firm Western red lines, military officials and analysts said.

Vuhledar, a town Ukrainian forces fought tooth and nail to keep for two years, is the latest urban settlement to fall to the Russians. It follows a vicious summer campaign along the eastern front that saw Kyiv cede several thousand square kilometers (miles) of territory.

Ukraine’s military said they were withdrawing their troops from Vuhledar to “protect the military personnel and equipment” in a statement on Wednesday.

Vuhledar’s fall is a microcosm of Ukraine’s predicament in this chapter of the nearly three-year war. It reflects the U.S.'s refusal to grant Ukraine permission to strike targets deep inside Russian territory, preventing Kyiv from degrading Moscow’s capabilities. Meanwhile, Russia’s dominance of the skies allows it to develop and advance devastating aerial glide bombs for which Ukraine has no effective response...

The Ukrainians’ retreat from the town comes after a much-anticipated visit by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the U.S. last week. The Biden administration so far has refused Kyiv’s request to use Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS, to strike Russian airfields and other key targets, and Zelenskyy’s “victory plan,” was dismissed by some as more of a wish list than a plan of action.

In the meantime, Russian fighter jets continued to drop aerial bombs on Vuhledar, which precipitated the retreat, soldiers there said...

Ukrainians have been pressuring the U.S. to relax restrictions on the use of Western weapons to strike targets deep inside Russia. Lawmakers said they expected a green light from the U.S. months ago, but it didn’t come: The Biden administration refused to waver on this red line. 

It has meant that Russian command and control centers, logistics hubs and airfields from which Russian fighter jets carry deadly aerial glide bombs, are out of reach of Ukrainian forces.

Russia fires nearly 120 aerial bombs a day on average, about 3,000 a month. The bombs are Soviet-era weapons refitted with navigational technology.

“We cannot change the dynamics, and the Russians are pushing,” said Pavel Narozhnyi, founder of the non-profit Reactive Post, which sources spare parts for artillery.

Month after month of constant attacks eventually eroded Ukrainian defenses...

Vuhledar served as a defensive stronghold, a fortress town atop a hill surrounded by open fields and near two major roads. From there, Ukrainian soldiers were able to observe approaching Russian forces at a distance. From that vantage point, it was easy to coordinate counter-attacks. That advantage now falls to Russian forces..."



Anne Applebaum: Russia still wants to make Ukraine into a colony again

 From the Atlantic:

"The Only Way the Ukraine War Can End

Russia has to stop fighting.

Monday, September 30, 2024

America is bleeding Ukraine to death

 From the Atlantic:

"The Abandonment of Ukraine

The American strategy in Ukraine is slowly bleeding the nation, and its people, to death.

By Karl Marlantes and Elliot Ackerman 

On a recent trip to Ukraine, we walked through the rubble of a children’s hospital in Kyiv targeted by the Russians, toured an apartment building in Kharkiv where floor after floor had been destroyed by Russian missiles, and visited the front lines to meet with soldiers who spoke of the brutality of Russian human-wave tactics. But the most unsettling thing we saw was the American strategy in Ukraine, one that gives the Ukrainian people just enough military aid not to lose their war but not enough to win it. This strategy is slowly bleeding Ukraine, and its people, to death.

...We have a combined 60-year breadth of combat experience between us, including Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The horrors of war are not unfamiliar to us. Yet both of us felt deeply disturbed as we finished our trip.

In Kharkiv, we met with a group of Ukrainian combat veterans. Before the war, Victoria Honcharuk, a 24-year-old medic, lived in the United States, where she’d been accepted to a graduate program at Harvard while working in New York City in investment banking. When war broke out in February 2022, she left that life behind and returned home to defend her country. Her unit of medics, composed entirely of volunteers, draws no pay. Approximately half of the friends she began service with have been killed or wounded... When a member of our group observed that Ukraine’s future would involve young people, like her, leading and rebuilding her country, she paused and politely reminded us that they could rebuild it only if they survived...

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has spent a great deal of time pleading with his allies for weapons and permission to use them to their full capabilities. But his administration is now pleading simply for the delivery of weapons that have already been pledged. Currently, these delays are the result of U.S. Department of Defense protocols that affect the drawdown rates of U.S. stockpiles... Ironically, we keep our weapons in reserve for a crisis exactly like the one playing out in Ukraine. We must make those weapons available to those who would use them in our shared defense.

The war in Ukraine is at risk of being lost—not because the Russians are winning but because Ukraine’s allies have not allowed them to win. If we encourage the Ukrainians to fight while failing to give them the tools they need for victory, history will surely conclude that the Russians weren’t the only ones who committed crimes against Ukraine."


Let me just remind readers that back in 1994, the USA and the UK pressured Ukraine into disarming, promising to defend it in return - the Budapest Memorandum.