Saturday, October 05, 2024

The Pentagon: We provide Ukraine what it needs, they have been very successful

 From an Oct. 3 briefing of Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh (hattip: Ukrainian Dialog):

"Q:  Thank you. So today, President Zelenskyy urged NATO allies to help intercept Iranian missiles and drones over Ukraine, as they do  with Israel. Can the United States and allies help Ukraine with that? I mean since it's possible Israel, why cannot it be done with Ukraine?

MS. SINGH:  So thank you for the question. While I appreciate the question, we are talking about two very different landscapes and battlefields. The president, at the very beginning of when Russia invaded Ukraine, has directed this department to provide Ukraine what it needs on the battlefield.

They have been very successful in employing, whether it be air defenses or other capabilities, to continue to take back their territory. The secretary just had a call with Mr. Umerov, getting that battlefield update, getting to better understand what other capabilities they might need, if any. The president has made a commitment that the United States is not putting boots on the ground into Ukraine, but we are supporting Ukraine in their efforts to take back their sovereign territory.

Q:  Well, shooting those targets, say from Polish or Romanian territory, would that be putting boots on the ground?

MS. SINGH:  That would be involving us in a war in a different way. And right now, we feel that Ukraine has been able to successfully defend against Russian strikes to their cities, to their populations, to their infrastructure. And we're going to continue to make sure that they have the support that they need to do that."


Ms. Singh is stating this as the Russian criminal regime continues advancing in Ukraine, using ballistic and glide bombs to destroy Ukrainian defenders and civilians, children's hospitals, whole towns. All this because the USA gives only token aid and does not allow it to be used for strikes deep into Russian territory, from where the bombs are shot. Her words sound like cruel mockery. The USA I used to admire and trust is no more. It has succumbed to evil.



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